Thursday, February 17, 2011

Foods That Bind Toddlers

Information on the new CD

The new CD saga Isa Pasqualli be called Somo Tu y Yo "(We are You and I). Will 10 songs , and 2 karaoke , reminiscent of the 1950s.

The style of music will be different from the first CD, released in February in Argentina, and has already been written.

To get into the mood of the recording, the cast spent a day watching films of the 1950s.

The disc bears the seal of
Sony Music Entertainment and still has no release date, however we believe it is in a short time (the first CD was just released last month in view of the novel in Latin America).

The first single is "
Sigo Al Corazón " and you can check out the clip on the post below.


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