+ D talked with Mary (Isa), Reinaldo (Alex), Milena (Cristina), Micaela (Linda) and Willy (Rey). They sang a snippet Te Quiero and talked about the second season, which premieres in March 2010.
What you liked most in Brazil?
Reinaldo: of persons. They are legal tender and beautiful (he said it all in Portuguese!). We were impressed to see the Brazilians singing along.
Milena: Feijoada bread and cheese are great.
As Isa will be TK + (the second season is being recorded in Colombia)?
Willy: Let us change schools, make new friends, have new classes and a director quite crazy. I'll even meet a girl.
Michal: That part I did not like. We had understood very well the first season (angry).
Willy: You'll always be my chubby baby!
Milena: I'm interested in a guy, but it is no surprise.
As part of My Awards Nick (Rio) and get that goop on your head?
María: did not know that the slim (green goo) was so disgusting. But it was great. Reinaldo even won the award for player of the year (at that time everyone said how cute! (The two are lovers in real life) .
How is being away from home?
Michal: We're like family, so I feel safe. But I do miss family and friends who stayed in Argentina (the actress is not the only one who is Venezuelan).
Can you take time to study, since an episode can take about three days to be recorded?
María: We have private tutors and also learned English and Portuguese . You can do everything if we are organized.
more do you enjoy acting or singing?
Reinaldo: Both. Frank Sinatra did not do the same? (Laughs)
What are the time off?
Milena: Durmo! Também vejo TV, fico com a família e vou ao cinema.
María: Gosto de ler e assistir a filmes. Tenho uma lista que preciso ver, como Cinderela e O Rei Leão, que vergonha.
Micaela: Vejo todas as temporadas da série Lost, que eu amo.
Willy: I watch Nick (laughs).
Reinaldo: professional paintball game. My team and I got third in a championship that took place in July in Sao Paulo.
Source: http://isatkm-oficial.blogspot.com/2009/09/entrevista-de-isa-no-brasil.html
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