Wednesday, August 12, 2009

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Title: Obsession

Fandom: Death Note

Gender: Drabble, Romance "?

couple / character: Mello / Near

Rating: G

Disclaimer: Yes, I know Death Note is not mine ... nor do I belong as much as you want.

Summary: Mello's obsession and his great observation.

Warnings: "Ooc?, Located at some point during their stay in Wammy's house, is the first mess I do and this fandom?

O bsesión

knew all their habits and hobbies. The conocíay be glad if she noticed a change in your usual behavior, satisfied be the only one able to see anything unusual in it. Well, abnormal in your routine, because talking and analyzing Near as a person, it was easy to realize the ultimate in pristine pajamas could be anything but normal.

knew who had trouble getting up in the morning, was one of the many people suffering from low blood pressure and needed time to regain his senses. He also knew that it was a great communicator, in fact, that was something we all knew in Wammy's house. Another of the many things that his brain had gathered, was that it was quite fussy and could not bear to see something out of place in his eternal white pajamas. Did not like the other children at the orphanage so annoyed while playing dice towers. Among other secrets, I knew I had lately been fond of a sort of dolls adapted at will, and used as a kind of puppet. That last one made him funny. As time wore since its discovery, had seen some of the figures of the orphanage children, and dolls were certainly quite funny, especially the pig nose Linda and Roger. But above all, it was funny the little doll still under construction, I knew I was making it, and kept under the bed in cotton to protect it from damage . Near

had a strange obsession with those toys recently discovered an obsession like yours with the chocolate, although certainly not as extreme with it by himself and their targets and wavy hair. Or that his obsession with perhaps Near could compete with the fact that the only doll that was carefully guarded and pampered on the blond and that the time spent on improvements was extracted from the hours spent resolving those stupid puzzles?


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