Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Emerald Tree Boa For Sale In Ontario

Mourir pour des idées

irrefutable that of Georges Brassens es fantástico: the siguiente canción

die for ideas, the idea is excellent
Me I almost died of not having had
For all those who had, many In overwhelming
screaming death to me fell over
They convinced me and my muse insolent
recant his errors, rallied to their faith
With a hint of reservation, however
die for ideas, okay, but slow death,
Okay, slow death

Considering that there is no danger in delay
Come to the next world while strolling along the way
For forcing the pace, sometimes they die
For ideas no longer in the next
Although it is a bitter thing , distressing
By making the soul to God it's good to see
That was wrong, it was the wrong idea
die for ideas, okay, but a slow death
Okay, slow death

The saint jean golden mouth who preach martyrdom
Most often, indeed, linger here below
die for ideas, this is true to say
is their reason for living, they are quick to exploit not
In almost all the camps we see that displace
Soon Methuselah in longevity
I conclude they have to say, aside
"die for ideas, okay, but a slow death
OF Okay, but a slow death "

Ideas claiming the famous sacrifice
sects of all sorts in the aftermath offer
And the question arises as to novices
victims die for ideas is fine, but why?
And as all resembling them are
When he sees them coming with their big flag
The wise man, hesitatingly, revolves around the tomb
die for ideas, agree, slow death
Okay, but a slow death if enough

Encor a few kills while changeât
To finally, finally all s'arrangeât
Since so many "big night" that so many heads In the fall
paradise on earth there is already
But the golden age is constantly falling off the table
The gods have always thirsty, can not get enough And
is death, death always repeated
die for ideas, okay, but a slow death
Okay, slow death

O you, the blasters, ye good apostles
Die So first, we will not cede the
But de grâce, morbleu! laissez vivre les autres!
La vie est à peu près leur seul luxe Car
ici bas, enfin, est assez the watchful Camarda Elle n'a pas besoin
qu'on lui tienne Plus the faux
autour des échafauds danse macabre! Mourrons
pour des idées, d'accord, mais de mort lens
D'accord, mais de mort lens


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