Title: Awakening
Rating: G
Couple / Character: "SasuNaru?.
Type: Bullet
Gender: Drabble, drama.
Disclaimer: Masashi Kishimoto
Summary: A dream of Naruto
Notes: I have not reviewed any of the ways, so there may be (and is) broken sentences, misplaced words, or inenteligibles ... (Same as above, sorry, but lately I have no time for anything T_T).
Darkness agony, crying, upset, mad. ;
deep in dark under which only faint and faded human figures were to pass, where a familiar voice was heard from within the abyss.
A yellow flash was seen moving among the crowd of sad shadows blurred. Shadows darker and increasingly acquired prominence, suffocating in desperation so different beam.
- Out, out of my way - shouted the light while trying to open somewhere between annoying shadows.
needed to go. Needed rescue. It was his duty and obligation to come to find that voice calling from the darkness. That was all I could do if I wanted to tame her crazy.
the other side of those shadows that hampered progress in the bright light appears, a flashing dark extrañoy was absorbed by a dangerous sea of loneliness desesperacióny.
's cries for help were becoming increasingly desperate and deeply distressing as the strange figure was absorbed in the pure blackness.
- Fear! - Was all he could articulate the blond to look like the voice was fading, turning suddenly to the reality to open eyes wide looking with them to his opponent.
Lying in a hospital bed, lay sweaty and agitated Naruto, pending discharge to return to its long-awaited launch search for that special person, the one unbreakable bond to give her back his sanity, which depended on his mind and soul.
Ja ne!
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