Title: Body
Series: Naruto
Couple: Sasuke x Naruto
Owner: Masashi Kishimoto
Summary: set of ten drabbles / one-shots where each "chapter" is about a part or feature of the human body. [AU]
Notes: This set of drabbles are in a UA, so Sasuke may have already returned to the village, others of them not even been gone, they can also be vampires ... among other things.
Ja ne!
Who does not hate the blonde's cheeks? He certainly yes. It was the worst part of his face. The detested.
for them and showed them all the expressions of your partner. The sad and salty tears that streaked her cheeks, that made these pots are showing their discontent inflate, the blushes that appeared in them not making it look just adorable in their eyes, but also against prying eyes, and other expressions that only and only had to be shown in their presence.
His cheeks are the culprit of the crime, had all the ballots so that the hated brown, but at the same time were his weakness. They could not threaten any feeling or expression. The grimaces of disgust every time he put himself obliged, not without a great effort to eat other food that was not ramen justified by the fact that it was not good for your health to eat the same thing, the great smiles that showed him every few minutes, so characteristic of them and sometimes made him seem so childish and harmless, the crystal lá , that drew tears of sorrow and deep grooves that used to show the dark night where they offered terrifying dreams chilling images from the past that cause you to wake at night crying its aid, the deep blush that rested on her dark, velvety cheeks that inevitably caused taste and enjoyment ...
was true that he hated those cheeks. Hated them because they were hers, rightfully belonged to him, Naruto was all him, but instead they were determined to show to others without shame, leaving the sight of everything that blonde thinking and feeling, and especially without their consent. But on the other side could do nothing but love them when no prying eyes in the intimacy of their private corners, only he offered a vision of the irresistible and unbeatable bright celestial orbs. Grimaces of pleasure that reflected what he was helpless and exposed at the time, that revealed as Uzumaki lost the sanity to go with their basic instincts to be completely at his mercy.
was clear that everything about the blonde was a constant tug of war that prevailed over the sensation razóny cold blood when he was with him. Mixed feelings by creating an overlapping mix of love-hate llevaríaa someday madness, but until that happened, would continue to enjoy the moments that could happen to the object of crime as if they were the last of his life.